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Differences between omnichannel and multichannel strategies and multichannel distribution

Although sometimes people may think that they are the same, in fact we are talking about very different concepts. If you want to learn about them and the different strategies you can implement in your business, then this is the post for you.


When we talk about an omnichannel strategy, we are making reference to the implementation of a strategy oriented to the marketing and sales sector, whose main focus is the customer. In this case, we are dealing with a strategy of a more communicative nature, whose main channels are blogs, social networks, phone calls, email, etc. The main objective when implementing an omnichannel strategy is to maintain, strengthen and build customer loyalty. In this case, different channels are made available to the customer to interact with each other, always offering a homogeneous and integrated experience so that the customer can navigate through the different channels without having to restart the customer journey at any point in the process.

A common example of this strategy is when a customer accesses his personal account on an e-commerce app through a mobile device, adds some items to his virtual shopping cart and, a few hours later, decides to complete his purchase process through a computer. In this case, the items added to the shopping cart automatically appear on his computer, which facilitates the purchase process and prevents the process from having to be started again.


The multichannel strategy adopted by companies seeks, just like the omnichannel approach, to interact with its customers through two or more communication channels. However, the difference lies in the fact that the experience through the channels does not necessarily have to be unified and integrated with each other, allowing different approaches to be adopted in each of them. Through this strategy, the company seeks to take advantage of the individual possibilities of each channel. Thus, the main focus ceases to be the customer, and becomes the channel. This can be a very interesting method for small growing companies, as it allows them to establish new sales channels gradually, without the need to create a unified experience from the beginning, which can be costly and risky when the company’s true potential is not yet known. At the same time, this strategy makes it possible to personalize the message in each of the channels, which can add value and build customer trust.


So, what are we talking about when we refer to multichannel distribution?

In this case, we are not only referring to mere marketing and sales strategies (although they are still a key point in distribution), but rather to a more logistical level, where the main focus is on the distribution channel of the product itself. Recall that previously we were talking mainly about communication channels through which to offer the product to the customer, the latter being the epicenter of the business. In the case of multichannel distribution, we are talking about a process in which the production of these products is the main factor. Therefore, a multichannel distribution strategy refers to the distribution of a product through two or more channels (distributor, wholesaler, retailer, direct sales, etc.).

While multichannel distribution can improve customer accessibility and reduce the risk of sales being affected in only one channel thanks to diversification, the company’s production capacity must be carefully considered, as it can end up creating problems in the long term. For this, it is necessary to have experts to help you measure what is the production capacity of your company and, thus, to help you in choosing the distribution channel/s that best fit the situation of your company.

At Dynamic Brands we perform an analysis prior to any import, export or internationalization service. This helps us to understand which are the most appropriate distribution channels for our clients.

Do not hesitate to contact us to request this service.

